Monday, February 1, 2010

Hannah and School

Hannah went to the same school with Adam and despite their different ages, the teachers put them in a same class because Hannah will start crying once they are separated. Both of them will be in Adam’s class for the morning session and then Hannah’s class for after break session.

I think it is hilarious because they barely can stand each other outside school and Adam is irritated having Hannah in his class because Hannah will be playing at the back while the class is in session. Hahahh…

So early in the morning, when I want to get her ready for school, she will say “Mama, hari ni Lala nak pergi sekolah (kelas) Adam” and she will take her bath, get dressed without a fuss when I agreed. But she will still make me carry her all the way to the bathroom and back to the room. I don’t mind but my hips have been protesting silently because she weights 14kg now.

Last week, she randomly say ‘api neraka’ and I asked her ‘api neraka tu apa, kakak?’ She said, ‘api neraka tu macam obomen la, Mama’ and put her hands up and do the Ultraman’s firing position. Lol.

I told Gen about the api neraka incident. Gen said it was in the doa that she recites and the full version would be ‘dan selamatkanlah kami dari siksaan api neraka’. With that, we then find out that Hannah can now recite doa tidur, doa makan, doa penerang hati, doa masuk tandas and few others. She will also recite all this doa in the toilet while she was doing her big thing. However, she will not recite the doa before meals or before sleeping. Hmmmm.

We were at my parents house for the weekend and we make Hannah recite every doa that she had learn (proud parents syndrome) first to her Tok, then to Aki, later to Mak Teh when Hannah finally say,

Hannah: Bismillah Bismillah Bismillah
Mama: Kenapa kakak baca doa macam tu?
Hannah: Mulut Lala ni dah rosak dah sebab baca doa banyak sangat. Haaa, cuba Mama tengok Bismillah Bismillah Bismillah. Haaa, kan dah rosak?

Sabar je lah, kan? Lols.


l i e y n said...

so old is she?
mulut rosak???funny!!

Ana Malek said...

hihi... hannah is 3+, sama ngan amir your eldest kan?

::lynn:: said...

clever girl...

Ana Malek said...

clever? hahahh nanges mama dia. confirm loyar buruk sorang nih!

::lynn:: said...

my 2nd nephew yg 3yrs old juga mcm lala... when he starts questioning me... huhuhuhu... putar alam cari jawapan... sbb kdg2 apa yg terkeluar dari mulut dia adalah something we least expected.

Anonymous said...

comelnya dia....