Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Not that Old

People always tell me that I looked younger than my age. I always thought that they want something from me (either a discount or some favour), I rarely took serious to anything they said. Being a mother to two small children, I barely have time to pamper myself or simply take a good look at my face in the mirror before going to work.

But last weekend, I met my brother, Along and his battalion of children at mom’s house. While talking to my mom in the kitchen, Aliff, his five years old son just hold my hand and wait patiently until I looked at him. He says, “Cik Su, naper Ayah Su kena pegang adik Cik Su?” At first I was a bit blurred. Well you see, I am the youngest of my siblings.

“Adik?” I ask him back. Uncertain.

He nodded and said “Adam?”.

Both me and Mak just laugh at his reply and he looked more puzzled. Mak said, “Adam tu anak Cik Su dengan Ayah Su, macam Aliff ni anak Abah ngan Mama.” I really honestly cannot explain anything to him as I can’t stop laughing. Aliff did mumble something but I can barely make out his reply.

Later, after calming down, I ask Mak about Aliff’s reply and she said he mumbled something about parents should be old and not young. Well, I guess since children don’t lie, that is the most honest compliment that I will ever have.

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