Thursday, August 6, 2009

Tempat Jatuh (Cinta) Lagi di Kenang....

SHAH is 20 years old. Actually we have not plan to attend the gathering but since Noni said she would be alone, so we decide to keep her company. We were there shortly after azan Isya' and Gen went for prayers at the Surau while we waited for him in the car. Gen first expression was 'nostalgia sungguh' and then he said everything was the same. Hehe of course lah kan, its still the same building. Lain lah kalau diorang buat surau baru kat situ.

At Hardstand we were greeted by Kak Azlin's camera flash. Another camwhore. Rasa cam red carpet la pulak. You can review all the comments in FB. Annoyingly interesting.

All the five of us. Nasib baik semua budak well behaved. Cikgu Lela Murad was there, Ustaz Suhaimi, Ustaz Hassan, Miss AnnZuledia and ramai yang macam terkejut tengok Gen. Hahahaa sebab dia dulu macam Jambu sikit. Phewitt.

That me with Abdul Razak Ahmad (my exBoss) and Kak Azlin (the camwhore). Erm, I think he read my blog, just a feeling, but I cannot trace him to prove it.
Our group photo. Noni is beside me and offered to hold Nadia but then Nadia starts to wail loudly and everybody stop talking and look at me. Lol. Sabar je lah...
Pukul 12 tghmalam baru sampai rumah. Next day (Ahad) terus demam.

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