Happy Birthday to Baby yang tak ada nama lagi setakat ni. Adik Gen, Syikin safely delivered the Baby on 12th August, 2009. Mula-mula tak nak pegang Baby sebab I might be carrying germs around from office (girl downstairs cotracted the swine flu and my boss kept on spraying the Dettol disinfectant in the elevator and bought daily masks, hand sanitizer for us). We were also compelled to wash our hand every hour and after attending clients. 'Because of the death poll, drastic measures are called for', he said. I am happy to obliged.
So, when I arrived at the Farabi, I washed my hand, peek at the Baby, refuse to hold her but then she looked at me with this trusting eyes... and she smell so good, I hold her and kiss her and alamak, I feel like I want a Baby...(again) *sigh*
If you notice the Baby's head is slightly berlekuk, I assume that it is quite a labourdous delivery for Syikin. However, Alhamdulillah, everything went went.
alah comelnya...
bagus betul boss u..
lieyn, gen demam dah 2 hari dah tapi degil gi kerja jugak... tanak gi klinik pulak tu. i'm really worried...
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