Thursday, July 2, 2009

Tagged Back by Nomy.

Haha dah kena tag balik!

Suka laaa sebab dah dua kali dapat award nih BTW blh la ckp pasal dia balik... hikhikk

Ikut macam Jan, jawab first part je la.. khas utk nomy.

copy award di atas untuk diletakkan di blog anda.
Nyatakan 5 fakta menarik tentang si pemberi award ini : Nomy

1. Semua org panggil dia Nomy. Walaupun nama sebenar dia lain. Lagipun dulu pernah call office dia la kononnya 'Can I speak to Miss Normahamah?'. Then the other girl replied 'Who?'. After a short while baru that girl jawab, 'Owh, you mean, Nomy? Hold on, ya'. Hahahh. Nomy had indeed become her formal name.

2. Dah lama kenal tapi tak rapat. Back in KYPMKL dah. Dulu selalu bajet Nomy ni macam sombong. Hahahh. But once we get to know each other, we become really close. Dulu mula-mula rapat sebab Eda kot. Tapi skang, Eda ntah ke mana but both of us are really close. We talk/chat/sms/ym/mms every other day. Hehe. Nothing much, girlie stuff. Your story my story kind of things.

3. Nomy yang shopaholic sebenarnya. Aku bukan shopaholic sebab aku tader handbag Coach. Hahah. Nak tau tak dia pakai handbag Coach yang dia ingat dapat murah sekali tu bila cek sebenarnya yang jual kat sini lagi murah. Lalalalala.

4. In further reference to Nomy's item No. 7, I know what you want to buy next. Yes, and it is already approved!
5. Nomy is blessed with two adorable kids, Haikal who resembles Popeq so much and Alaani who resembles her so much. I don't know how she did it but she got the genes mixed correctly. Hehe.

Finally, thank you for the Bandung gift, just got it last week but sadly, my tailor dah tak nak ambil order baju yang ada lining for Hari Raya. So, maybe next year baru boleh hantar tempah. So, I'm camwhoring, here especially for you.

Mula-mula ambil gambar kain dulu.

Okay, the picture looks dull. Tutup pintu office baru berani camwhoring.

Okay another one, I cannot keep my mouth shut because I felt ridiculous. I took this inside the ladies. Hahahh. Nomy, macam kain orang nak kawen lah. Hikhikk. Segan aku nak pakai!
And I really miss my mole actually. LOL.

1 comment:

Nomy Yahya said...

hahahhaha lawak lawak.... and mmg betul la biler tgk ko pakai mmg mcm orang nak kawin... camna tuh?