Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hari Sabtu

I have to work every Saturdays other than the first Saturday of the month. So, when I have to attend a cousin's wedding, I just leave early at 11am. I have been doing this a lot, lately. Hmm.

My cousin is the groom, A'aa, (cute name right?). He married Lynn's baby sis. Lynn is my long lost friend back in Kempadang. Small world, rite. We were in standard six together. No pictures of us, later maybe once we had a proper chance to talk and reminisce our good old days.

After the wedding, it's lepak time with Adam, Hannah and Nadia. Gen was busy, so I decide to take all three of them lepak-lepak at the Kuantan Plaza.

Adam bawak bas, serious!

Adam's passenger, Nadia with a Care Bear.

Hannah is as usual, scared. She just looked at the bus.

Another shot, Nadia as co-pilot.

Nadia is unhappy once I took the soother away from her. Marah.
After that we lepak-lepak at the cafe on Kuantan Walk. Lol. Happening la sangat. Minum Milo sambil tengok orang lalu-lalang. Then I'm thinking, ada ke orang ajar anak-anak dia lepak-lepak? Haha. I might not be the only one. So, I took them to Along's house to lepak-lepak there pulak. Hikhikk. Suka-suka je kan, tader aktiviti.

1 comment:

l i e y n said...

me yang ada dua orang ni pun tak sanggup nak lepak alone with the kids!!!
surrender beb...
respect lah kat u!