Monday, July 20, 2009

Hari Sabtu (Lagi...)

Pagi-pagi dah merajuk dengan Gen sebab dia tak nak pergi A'aa's wedding reception. Last week he was not around and it irites me because people kept on asking question about him. So then, I decide to ditch today's wedding reception.
But then I forgot that Lynn will be attending the reception, so actually, I ditch her as well. My bad. Sorry Lynn. My only consolation is that we had lunch together on Friday at the Laksa Shack ECM and we talk about everything and nothing. We havent seen each other since standard six and she has grown into someone who looked so much sensible than me.
I envied her a bit. If I'm on my own, then I should be able to attend all this weddings myself instead of flinching when somebody makes a remark about my always absent hubby. Sigh. Plus that I would be able to buy a bigger car and a bigger house and more money to spurlge on myself and parents etc. But then I cut my thoughts short, because if I'm not married then I wouldn't have this three comot kids around.
I'm sorry Lynn, for not being there. I have to settle my issues. But I was really glad for the Friday lunch erm though we didn't spend time camhoring. Next time, we'll do that, ok?! I feel like we can talk for hours and I really had to drag my feet to go back to the office. Sigh again.
So, Saturday after work I took the kids out again. We went to an old part of Kuantan town(macam area belakang Petaling Street) and visit the pet shop.

Nadia is really excited. She keep on touching the cat and immitates it meowing shriekingly.

Hannah is also excited but the she said loudly, 'Busuk la kedai ni Mama,' T_T

Adam wants to pose near the rabbit but the rabbit is really shy and keep moving away. We can only see its rear. Hehe.

This is the three of them poking at a frightened little kitty.

The kitty is really cute but it costs RM700. Not affordable. Plus both me and Gen are allergic to cats. It will make me sneeze a lot, gives me runny nose and bleary eyes and gives Gen rashes.

Then we went to a kedai karpet. Actually I want to buy a sejadah so that I can leave it in the office instead of borrowing Maryam's everyday.

And if you are wondering how I drive with my three little 'angels', this is how I drive with three of them at the front seat and sometimes with Nadia on my lap.

After that, main air in the bathroom tapi kemudian kena marah sebab air semua masuk dapur sebab they got carried away. Sigh.
Tapi lepas tu kena bebel dengan Mak sebab tak pergi wedding A'aa plus bawak anak-anak keluar sendiri (she didn't know about last week). Mak said I'm being selfish and reckless because anything can happen to them like one of them may suddenly jump or run off to the road. Well actually that is a possibility, lah kan... Sigh. Maybe I should wait until they are bigger.


l i e y n said...

nasib baik that 3 tots behave....
isu n nak pegi kenduri ni dah biasa...
kita kena ikut kenduri yg dia nak pegi tapi bila time kenduri yg kita nak pegi dia refuse!
mana penting? kenduri sedara atau kenduri anak makcik cleaner office?
lu pikir le sendiri...

::lynn:: said...

it's ok ana... me also enjoyed our short lunch date dgn laksa yg x menepati expectation...hummm... have to learn to bring down my expectation a lil... keh3...

Ana Malek said...

lieyn, of all the people, u shud know kan...

lynn, next time ok. apa2 pun tomyam I sedap. Maybe u shud try taht next time.